You guys are great! Thank you so much to Arianna and Madie for your questions! Since you did your end of the deal, I will now do mine! :)
What kind of car did you get? I got a
black 2003 ford focus. (PS: that is just a picture, not actually mine.) It's great!!
What is your favorite sport? Hmm.. This is a hard one! I love playing soccer and basketball with my sister but I also really like to golf with my friend! I don't think I could pick just one but if I could pick three they would be soccer, basketball
, and golf!
What is your favorite season? SUMMER by far! I looove going to the pool and tanning! Plus this summer I got a nanny job so it will be really fun! No school, just sleeping in, hanging out, and getting tan!
What kind of camera do you have? I have a
Canon Rebel XS. It's a great camera, but I'm having some issues with it right now so I haven't been using it as much otherwise I just get annoyed. And no its not just a user error, it really has something wrong with it. :)
What kind of schooling do you do? I am currently doing online school. I usually call it homeschooling because it's the exact same thing except I do it on the computer. This is my first year doing it and so far I am in love! In brick-and-morder school I was always really, really stressed out with friends, homework, and all that other stuff that just comes with being in a public school. So I begged and begged my parents to let me be home schooled and we gave it a shot! I am planning to do this my entire high school career I think just because I love it so much!
When did you start your blog? Well, I have another blog that I use to write on about my adventures in babysitting before I made this one but I think your asking when I started this blog (tell me if I'm wrong though)? I started it in December of 2010. I've really been lacking bad on writing but I am going to really try to do a LOT more!
How many siblings do you have? Well my parents are divorced so I have no "100%" siblings but I have a step-brother and a half-sister at my moms.
This is Jacob (sort of an oldy). He is 11 years-old and a really sweet guy! He only lives with us in the Summer and comes to visit on some holidays but his mom lives in Chicago (we live in MN) so we don't see him as much but wish we could! He is such a sweetheart and will definatly be a heartbreaker for all those ladies out there! :) He loves, loves, loves building Legos and is really good at it.

Then we have London. She is 8 and super hilarious! Pictured above is London (left) with her BFF Ella (right) on Cinco de Mayo. I don't know what these two would do without each other! They have sleepovers literally every weekend! Anyway, back to London! She is plays soccer thtrew our local association and is super chick! Like I said above, she is hilarious! Sometimes I don't know if she is 8 or 18! I can literally tell her stuff and ask her stuff that people usually don't talk to there sisters about. "Half" sister comes from the fact that she is my mom and step-dad's daughter but I honestly don't even think of that! When people ask who she is, I just say sister because it doesnt feel any different!
What do you like to take pictures of? Anything human! Honestly, I love taking pictures of random people on the street (which may sound a littler creepy), weddings, and just regular portraits! It's super fun and people are always cute! I also like taking pictures of babies and nature, two complete opposite things.
The last picture was when I was very first starting so don't mind the copyright, it's changed since then. :)
Thank you two for your fabulous questions and let me know if you have anymore, I am always open for more!!