Aeropostale yoga pants. YES! I have a few pairs now and they are amazing! I have the ones above, these, these, and a pair like these. They are wonderful!

Now for the most part, I don’t edit my pictures. Unless of course its for a wedding or something special like that.
For example in the picture above I darkened it a little bit from the natural lighting because as we can see the daughter has a more fair skin color and is blonde so she just looks like a white blur. You don’t want to darken it to much because then the adults look way to dark. It’s fun just to play around with a just use your best judgment. I wouldn’t waist your time editing pictures like this,
Because the lighting isn’t horrible and the more editing you do to a picture, actually makes it look worse. It’s like applying make-up. If you just put on a little foundation, light eye shadow, and mascara you look fine but if you put three layers of liquid foundation, a few layers of eye shadow, and keep applying mascara after it dries, its going to end up looking horrific! Just do the basic’s and let the natural beauty show threw. :)
I’ll show you an example, BEFORE.
Now this picture isn’t horrible, there is just a few little things you can do to make it look a little better. On a side note, I did have my hair in a ponytail so that is why I look bald. So first off I would own your pictures. By that I mean make some sort of a copy right symbol.
If you look at either of these pictures you will see how Olivia has wrote “OLIVIA GRACE” in the left bottom corner, that is how she owns it. And Nealy has written a note at the top of her’s saying, it’s hers. Also please, please, please, if you use someone else’s pictures, GIVE THEM CREDIT!!!
So back to my picture,
If you have editing software, you can take this picture and zoom all over it and see what you need to do to make your client (myself for example) happy. I like my pictures a little bit darker than most, but that’s just me! So I just played around until I was satisfied NOT EDITING TO MUCH and came to a final picture that I felt good about and wanted to own.
So I made my face a little bit darker and cleaned up my skin. Nothing huge, just more to my liking. I think that making a picture a little darker makes it more rich (my eyes), but that’s totally just me! And sometimes I don’t like dark and some pictures, I think it just depends…
What do ya think? Any questions? What editing software or site do you use to edit?
If you are looking to find a way to paint your nails fun in a quick amount of time, I have the answer!! Just a pre warning, these pictures are kind of bad because I had to hold my huge camera with one hand.. Haha!
Start off with plain nails. I had just took of my polish to do this tutorial so that’s why its really rough looking…
Then I use a nail file and just clean them up a little. Shape them, trim them, etc. I hardly ever use a clippers to clip them because I do them like once a week and so they never get to long.. Haha.
This is the nail polishes I use in this one. You do not have to use all of them that I am, I’m just going to show you a few different things!! So first off, I'm going to paint mine black. I use Essie’s black and LOVE it! It works wonderfully! :) So just paint them all plain black for the back round.
You don’t have to use black I just do because I think it looks nice but use any color that you want it just cant be to BAM in your face… So once you have your nails dried like this, I use a skinny brush (you can just buy these at Target!) to do lines… I wish this picture would have focused right but it didn’t… :(
So hopefully you can see what I mean by skinny brush. Its just like a piece of string.. haha.
Here is a better picture from Google… So them just draw lines on your fingers how ever you want! And don’t make them all match because that kind of makes it boring and way more stressful that need be! Once you drew lines on your fingers and you are sure they are dry them you are going to do dots.
This is what I use but you can just use a normal toothpick! Take some nail polish (fun bright colors) and dump them on (what I use but pretty much anything will work) a index card. Just pour some out but not a ton! So take a sharp end (I use the right end) or the pick and dip it in one of the polish on the index card. Then plop it onto your nails all over. In the end it will look something like this…
and sense this is such a horrible picture I found another one that just shows you what it will look like.
So there you have it! I seriously love this look and I love how its not just one plain color too! Its fun! I hope you enjoyed the tutorial and I hope to do more in the future!!
The colors and what I did with them. Black- the base coat. Actually I use a different clear now (not the one pictured) by Sally Hansen and put that under the black because it will keep your nails from getting damaged or dark like how mine were in the beginning of this post. Skinny white and skinny silver, use ONE of these for the lines that you draw for the branches of the cherry blossom tree. Green, pink, and blue I dump for the dots. Clear, no longer in use.
Time somebody told me
That I am caring, loving and trustworthy
That I am happy inside
If they only knew
How that would effect me
Time somebody told me
That my mind is overflowing, crazy and full
That I should keep going and never stop
Time somebody told me
How they cared and loved me
How my heart is huge and my arms are loving
How good they feel when I hugged them with care
Time somebody told me
So, I had a talk with myself
Just me, nobody else
‘cause it was time
somebody told me.
This is a poem I wrote in school I think last year… I was reading my moms blog when I stumbled over it and remembered how proud of me she was. It was pretty much random thoughts put together and worked with but it turned out good I guess… Haha! I just thought I’d share this with you guys . Feel free to share poems your proud of with me by either linking it in the comments, or emailing it to me (sydance97@gmail.com). I would love to share them on my blog as a post to so just add that in there when you send it. Also if you have an issue that you want advice on feel free to email me and let me know what it is and the I can post it on my blog and not mention your name but then you can get my input and all of my readers input as well!! All ya gotta do it ask!
Hope your having a fantabulous week so far and survived your Monday!
Hello bloggers!! Miss me? I haven’t written on here forever!! Sorry about that. I finally found myself at my computer today, not knowing where to start… So I’ll try to make this easy to read but it could be totally random and all over the place!
Hoover Schmaltz Wedding
My aunt Kris got married!!!! And guess who was the photographer.. Yep, that’d be me! I was so happy when she first asked me I actually thought it was by mistake! Haha It was so much fun and I hope to do another soon!!
Here is a preview but I can’t give you anymore yet because she hasn’t gotten the pictures yet!! It was in beautiful Arizona in early November.
Eight? Really??
Also in November my lovely sister turned 8! I cannot believe how much she has grown… Its crazy!!!
For her party she got to go rock climbing at a local gym with some of her girlies…
Isn’t that fun? The gym had this at the entrance for everybody to see! It was so cute and she felt so special!!
She has lately been into peace signs and all of that hippie stuff… So for her birthday mom made cupcakes that had three layers (blue, yellow and red) then drew a piece sign on top. Once we got to the gym I set them up in a peace formation. It was so cute!
1 Year Anniversary
This is an anniversary I have mixed emotions about. If you have not been reading this blog before/during the end of December than you most likely have no idea what I am going to write about. Well lucky for you I wrote about the whole thing in a school story not to long ago…
It was a Saturday night in December I remember clearly. We were having a movie night at my mom’s house enjoying life. Everything on our minds just went away and we smiled, laughed and enjoyed the quality family time. My mom is a busy person. She’s always getting phone calls and emails. Her phone rang but she just dismissed it. Once our movie was over we just kind of sat there and started to fall asleep because the movie was long and it was late. My mom checked her phone to see who had called her. It was Chalsie, my Uncle Nick’s girlfriend. We all looked at each other with confused faces thinking, why would Chalsie be calling? So of course my mom listened to the voicemail but I just walked up to my room because I didn’t really care, it was probably just Nick calling off of her phone saying that he had lost his or somthing… And I thought that until I heard my mom crying. Right that moment I knew something bad had happened. Possibilities raced threw my head. I waited for her to get off the phone, me still in my room, and tell my step-dad, Bill, and my sister, London, what the news was. After she hung up and relaxed her body down she said some of the worst words that could ever come out of her mouth.
Nick had been working on the oil rigs and was wiping down the pipe with a rag as it was coming out of the ground. They weren’t trained on this; it was just something you did. While he was wiping it down it was still spinning out and caught on to his rag. This sent him spinning around in circles. Not to far away from where the pipe was, another pipe was sitting there. So every time he spun around, his legs hit the other pipe. He ended up breaking both of his legs completely, broke one arm, and cracked some ribs which caused internal bleeding. Once I heard this I instantly started crying and couldn’t stop. I started praying hard and sending txt messages asking my family and people from church to pray.
The next morning we gathered ourselves together and went to church. I cried at church when people comforted me and asked how my family and I were doing. Once church was over my mom just felt the need to drive to Bismarck, North Dakota, where Nick was, to be with him and her siblings. I called my dad and he let me go with. It was probably one of the worst drives ever. We were all tired from the low intake of sleep the night before, it was dark, and the drive took around seven hours. Once we got there we were instantly surrounded by family. We got to go into the room and see him. Right then I knew that this was going to be a long road to recovery. He stayed at the Bismarck hospital for a week but his injuries were too severe so they transported him to HCMC in Minneapolis which was an answered prayer within its self! To have him 15 minutes away from my house was amazing but I wasn’t sure what a toll this was going to take on my life.
I enjoyed being with Nick. Even though he didn’t really communicate for the first couple weeks other than if he was in pain, that didn’t matter to me, it was just sitting in the chair next to his bed and being thankful he was still with us. I loved watching him make progress!
First time walking in two months
To this day I still l admire him for all that he’s done. He got out of the hospital in February and has made it so far in life! His is now walking with a crutches and is a daddy. He still has to come down for Doctor visits a lot so we get to see him a ton which I love!
Elevating while waiting in the movie theater to watch “Moneyball” (I had just got my birthmark removed)
Some might complain about having to go to a hospital and sitting still for long periods of time, but I just smile and thank God I still have my uncle.
Corbin Graham- Nick’s very handsome, loving son!
We got an iPad at my dads house and my mom got one at her house too!! They are so fun! I love photo booth the most :)
Sometimes I wonder if I have a life or not…
40 something..
My dad had his birthday in November too!! He turned 43, 39!! :) We didn’t do much except we went to a bunch of Harley (Davidson Motorcycle) stores. I got a hat (I know, for my dads birthday I got a hat :P). Its super cute though!!
Tap tap zap!
I got a new phone!!
It’s a HTC Incredible (1). Its so fun!! I added a zap in the title because every time I type it vibrates. It’s pretty neat! I have internet on it so I can facebook 24/7 which is pretty nice… Also I love being able to set up my own slides. So what that means is when you take your finger from one side and drag it to the other, it goes to another slide and you see different things. So on my main page (which is like the one pictured) I have my clock thing, which is above, and a facebook thing where I can see peoples status without actually going into the app (so instead of those little things I have that covered with facebook. Then you can slide either way but it would take way to long to explain all of my apps and junk on all 5 pages.
I am in <3
God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be, so He put His arms around you and whispered "Come to Me." With tearful eyes we watched you, and saw you pass away. Although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay. A Golden Heart stopped beating, hard working hands at rest, God broke our hearts to prove to us He only takes the best.
When my grandma passed away in January all of her kids and her grandkids got a picture of her with a rainbow in the background and this saying. Isn’t it great?? I love it!
First snowfall prints
This week we had some snow. It wasn’t a lot but enough for some paws to make prints. I let Max go on the deck to discover snow a little bit more while I made lunch and came back to this and instantly thought, “where is my camera??”
Well that’s pretty much all I can put you guys threw so I hope you enjoyed and come back to join me threw my days of blogging!