Thursday, March 31, 2011
30 days in pictures: Day 6

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
30 days in photos: Day 5
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Could I be a.....
Could you ever see me as a teen model? Be honest. I got this thing in the mail yesterday saying I was a selected teen girl and that they wanted me to go to this pageant thing and try out to be a model. I want to first off thank Kiley and Olivia for the sweet comments on my pictures (located on the post before my very last post)!! I love those girls! I crumbled my poll about what to photograph today and added a yes, no one. If you think I should apply, click yes. If you think I couldn't, click no. I can't tell who says what and you will most defiantly not hurt my feelings! Classes fill up quick so hurry and respond! Polls only open for a short time!
Ps: did u watch parenthood or teen mom tonight?
Teen mom- good stuff... I didn't get to see the one where Leah gets married but I recorded it!!
Parenthood- I think Adam and Kristina made a fantastic choice of sending Max to a regular school! I thought for sure Gabby was coming back but well see... Oh and I'm so sad Amber didn't get into school but sense it's TV I'm sure something wonderful will happen and she'll get into Burkley!
Have a wondeful night/morning my ladies!
30 days in pictures: Day 4
If have a family fun night at my moms it usually consist of a movie.
Monday, March 28, 2011
30 days in photos: Day 3

I LOVE parenthood! It's such a cute show and is all about family! The little boy has Aspurgers and it is very interesting to see how the parents handle him and there daughter is a little pushy on stuff... I dont know, its just SUCH a good show! I was debating between Parenthood and Teen Mom which are both two very good shows! In this show there is a single parent, a regular family, a family with a disabled child and a family who is off and on together. Very good....
Sunday, March 27, 2011
30 days in pictures: Day 2
My cousin Morgan Mae! She is a couple years older than me but we get along great! We txt at least once a day! I tell her pretty much everything! From boys to jokes, shes a pro! She is always there for me! I plan on our kids to be best (2nd) cousins! She's such a cutie too! Look at her! This is Christmas at our 'papas' house. Her mom and my dad are siblings. I think out of the four siblings total in there family, Kris (morgs mom) and my dad are the closest! We talk alot! I love this girl!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
30 Days in pictures: Day 1

Friday, March 25, 2011
Questions- Answers
(these are the pics Suzanne requested of the brows)
She did not arch it this much, this is one of my 'hu' faces...
Sorry its blurry but this is it... Mandy or Andy mostly worked on the bottom area so it looked more normal...
How many siblings to you have? I have one half-sister named London, 7 years old and one step-brother, Jacob, 9 years old. I call London my sister though because well I have no real siblings and I see her practically every day!
What is your favorite hobby other than babysitting? Hm... I think my new found favorite hobby is photography! It is just so fun! Other than that I think design, if that is a hobby? I want to be an interior designer (design the insides of houses) when I 'grow-up' so redoing my rooms and adding stuff...
Do you have any babysitting tips? Hm... Pretty much just have fun! Ask the kids what they want to do and do that if the parents say its okay! Stick to the parents rules and (shhh!) I let the kids stay up like 10 minutes late if there good and its a Friday or something where if there in school, they wont be going. Some fun stuff to do it have dance parties where you turn on some tunes and just dance until you can dance anymore! The obvious coloring and play-doh is always fun! One of the new things I'm going to try doing is (after asking permission) bring my Rebel and take pictures of the kiddos! The kids I posted pictures of LOVE making up plays then presenting it to the audience (me) and honestly, I love watching them because little kids are so creative! Most of the time it's tuned to some fun music too :) I know I am a HUGE camera hog and what kid doesn't want a ton of attention! Before the parent(s) leave ask all the questions you need to! Once they leave, those kids are under your supervious and if something happens, you have to deal with it! Make sure you give the parents your number so if they will becoming home late they can notify you. Do NOT be on the phone while you are babysitting! Those kids are your priority right then! Unless you are expecting, dont let anyone in the house! I have had one time where someone came to the door and asked to see the owners, I just told them that I was the oldest child and that my mom was in the bathroom but that I could take a message. Do not be afraid to ask for identity! The safer, the better. Whatever you do, DO NOT TELL THE PERSON THAT YOU ARE THE BABYSITTER! That is just ASKING for trouble! Oh, movie nights are always fun! The 'picture' kids, every Friday when I babysit and the babes is asleep its a movie night! It's fun for me because the movies are usually a couple hours long so I estimate and hour and a half of cleaning and the other half an hour relaxing and watchin' the movie! Even the babysitters deserve a little down time :) I always clean the house as much as I can so it doesn't look like a tornado ran threw while they were gone...! Plus it shows the parents you care about there belongings! So over all, have fun, make it about the kids, stay safe and clean. Oh and PS, the parents will always say "Oh. dont stress if you dont get around to cleaning." Because the kids ARE your main priority but clean to be respectful! Hope I could help! If you have any questions I know you have my email or just comment right on here! Oh and as far as disapline, ask the parent but usually I do time out (minute for every year of age)... I do NOT spank unless that is the parents way.. But I still dont really!
What is your favorite candy? Hm... Im kinda on this whole gummy worm streak... Not bears! It has to be worms :) But I also have a huge love for Starbusts! I'll eat anything honestly but those are my too favorites! And M&M'S! PS: Your picture 'request' is at the top (I'm guessing you saw it. :)
Thank you ladies SO much for the questions! Like I was literally jumping up and down in my room when I looked at my page and saw I had to comments with questions! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
I was thinking I will add the questions to my ABOUT ME page and I'll put it down as a regular post so that if you want to read more about me in future, you dont have to rumbble threw all the post and can just go to my page.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
As promised

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
With these pictures I had my setting on Av. My ISO was 1600. My AF point selection was in the middle all the way to the left on the orange. No flash. My bracket on F5.0.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Half my life
My Day and Confession
Today I went shopping with my dad and Shelia. We went to the MOA... then I 'punished' them and we we to target! Target is my absolute favorite store in the entire universe! I bought a couple things.. OH at the mall I bought 3 lip glosses from bath and body (buy two get one free) and a lotion. Shelia had two coupons, one to get the lotion for free and another for a 20% off the entire price! Boo ya baby!!
Tomorrow I'm sleeping in until 10ish then my moms coming to pick me up so I can go to her house until friday. THEN Amanda's picking me up!!!! Im so excited! I haven't seen those kids in, it feels like, years!!
Well I don't have much more to say... OH, do my poll on the right side bar! You can click more then one but done click all of them because you don't care...
Love ya,
Monday, March 21, 2011
F U!
It's so funny! So to all of you, f u!
Love ya,
Sunday, March 20, 2011
My Weekend With My Little Rebel
Travis's girlfriend Kayla made this for there baby's car seat! Isn't that so neat!
LOVE him!
London's movie choice. Charlottes Web.
- Your favorite picture
- What you want me to take pictures of (ex: nature, people, etc)
- What I could do better
- What you did this weekend
Thank you so much for reading!
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
Love ya,
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Depressions hurts, God can help!
Some pet peeves of mine that really get me going are:
• when people chew with there mouth open
• when people sniff
• when people wiggle a bed when your relaxing
• when people don't put periods at the end of sentences
• when the 'noise machine' isn't on a multiple of 5
• when people snap there gum
• when people end there sentence with ...or."
• fake laughs
• the rubbing noise like when an air mattress barley moves
• when people repeat themselves so that everyone hears what they say
Why did I list them? Well first off those arnt all but secondly I've really had trouble being real snappy even someone does one of the previous items.
Well I'm a little sleepy so I hope this makes sense but if it doesn't reread the title, and just go with that!!
Love ya,
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
This weekend I am going to Fargo (North Dakota) and will take many pictures!! I am babysitting my cousins one of the nights so there will be some baby!!!
I got my rebel and had my first 'photo shoot' today!! It was with my sister (pictures to come)! Shes so cute... I think I took 35 pictures in a 10 minutes time frame! I loved it so much! I had a little 'lesson' tonight with mom! I couldn't tell you in words what I learned but she taught me about some buttons and switches... :D
As you can see my title (15 followers) I am lowering my expectations. I promised that if I got 20, I'd do a giveaway. Well I'm changing that. If I get 15 followers I will do a giveaway. AND if you recommend someone to my blog and email me in bcc or tell me you put it on your social network so I can look, when I have the giveaway, you will get an extra chance to win!
Have a wonderful St. Party's Day (don't forget your green)!!!!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Weekend Recap
Wednesday- Well theres only one thing we really did and that was drive! It was a pretty smooth drive. We drove to my 'papas' house which is located in Rugby, North Dakota. VERY small town! It is right next to Minot which is a bigger, well known city. We got there, relaxed and slept.
Thursday- Thursday morning Skyler came and picked up Shelia so they could go to the visitation together. He came in to go to the bathroom (Zane was sleeping in the car). He came, did his thing and they were off. Meanwhile my dad was, well to be honest I have no idea! Something outside... After he was done, we went to Pamida (rugby's target) because I forgot my black socks and was NOT going to wear white ones!! After that we drove to the Hotel/Casino where we would be staying for the next two days. It was placed on an Indian Reservation... Very interesting! We dropped our stuff and ran into those three hommies. We ran our stuff into our room, ran into some other families members (my stepmom comes from a family of eight kids so there's a lot of family!). We drove to the church where the visitation would be at. When we first got there, I didn't know what to do. Honestly, I just wanted to give Skyler a big, long bear hug more than anything! But instead I went downstairs and explored the church with Mona's niece, Taylor! Skyler approached us and said "Have you seen Zane? I dont know who but some brat is screaming outside and somebody needs to take care of it." Us three went outside to see Zane had been the kids screaming, and the short version of the story: he was climbing up something and slide down which caused three deep cuts plus his hands covered in dirt. I felt so bad for him! *** Later I was standing in the entry way with Taylor chatting. I told her I wanted to see Mona, but was scared. She offered to walk up with me and I said yes. We walked up and the moment I saw her beautiful face, I cried, and cried, and cried. Some family of hers made two poster tri-folds with pictures from birth to death. There was this framed picture of Mona and Zane when Zane was, I'd guess 2 or 3 weeks! It was so precious... At the end of the visitation we took Zane and a couple other cousins to the hotel to swim, we swam, ate, and attempted catching grapes in our mouths in the pool (huge fail). All us cousins showered and went to my other cousin Sarahs room and watched TV while the adults went to the casino... Two of my cousins got picked up and then it was Sarah, Zane and I. Skyler came to check on Zane then I got the key to there room so us two could hang until Skyler was done. We played with his new toys, watch TV, and talked about his school. It was about 2:30 and there was a knock on the door. I didn't really wanna open it but I did and saw my dad and my aunt Sheryl to let me go from my 'shift'. Honestly, I didn't want to leave! I wanted to stay with Zane, not sleep! But I did anyway...
Friday- I already blogged about today but I'll redo it. Woke-up and went to Sarahs room. I went into Skylers room to ask if they wanted any donuts. Instead Skyler tried to pay me for babysitting. I did not take it! Ya, $20 is a nice chunk of change and heck ya I wanted it but he could use it way more wisely then I! We got ready and well, read the other post :) Let me add, Zane and I played connect (xbox) at his house and had a lot of fun!! Didn't do much. Okay, im just gunna tell you I have had no sleep the entire weekend so I'm getting really tired and my 'days' are getting leads thought filled! Played with Zane, talked with Skyler, helped with thank yous and watched Transformers 2 with the cuz's...
Saturday- Went out to eat at Applebee's with Skyler, Sheryl, there family's and my family. Then drove to Fargo! Roads were bad so we just stayed there... My amazing stepmom planed for me and Sarah to surprise me and to go to a movie! We went to Beastly which is a pretty amazing movie if I do say so...
Sunday- today we drove, did homework, slept a little... After small group I got it! Yep... I got my Rebel!! Love it!! Took many pictures!
In away, this weekend has changed my life in good. Now I don't have to be worrying every minute if Monas gunna die and I can schedule stuff without having to worry about canceling it and feeling bad... I know that sounds horrible... I am happy though because she is now in a better, pain free place! Mona, I love you sooooo much!! Skyler, txt me anytime! Zane, keep up your Call of Duty skills!! Love you all!!
Love ya,
Friday, March 11, 2011
Mona Jessica Larocque-Prellwitz
My dad has sent some pictures to provide I guess and there was two pictures where when one of the times they came down, we went to the Nick Universe and did some rides. I don't know if you've been to the MOA lately but they added this like rope jungle type thing and mona wanted to go really bad so after about 10 minutes Skyler agreed to go with her. We stayed with Zane and held all there stuff. While they were doing the first floor (they didn't quite make it to to second) we snapped some pictures. Dad sent in the pictures and so i saw them in the show and looked at Sky, eyes blood shot and just could not stop weeping! I just seriously could not stop!
I mean think about it, what if you got married to this wonderful person! So beautiful and you loved them so much to get married. Then you find out your partner has cancer. Okay, you know what, we can do this! We will fight together! Then it goes away! They're free!! Couple months later they go in for an app and find out, it's come back. You go back to that positive brain, we will fight together! Then it gets worst! And worst! Then the doctors don't think she's gunna make it past 3 o'clock that day! But they do! They make it a whole nother 3 months! Then somethin really bad hits and they are now in the hospital, couple hours go by and they say, I have this feelin it's time to go home. My real home! Couple hours later... You lost your true love! The one person who you told all your problems to is gone...
If my spouse were to die HECK YA I'd be cryin! Uh... I need to end this because I can barely see the screen.
Zane and I figured out that I'm gunna come stay with him and 'dad' (aka skyler) for a week or two this summer. He made it very clear to me that it had to be after school ended so that we could hang out all day! I would seriously LOVE to come stay down here for a week or two! Give skyler a break, get to hang out with Zane (and skyler). It'd be pretty fun! But I doubt my parents would let me... Well better hit the hay. Pretty tired after partin with Zane until 2am!!
Love you readers!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
This morning
Once again I'd like to thank you all for reading about my crazy life! As long as I have wifi I will be able to post threw out my long weekend. Well, my dad has the IPhone 4g thing or whatever so if he let's me use it, I can post on here anywhere.
Have a great day ladies (or I guess if there's a man reading this, you too??)
Movin up
Well look at that follower chart! We are now at 8 followers which is good. 12 more people and I will give you a give away! I want to thank EVERY follower I have so far and more to come!
Love ya,
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Highs and Lows of my week so far and to come
Bahahaha I'm lieing! You know I convinced you tho... Don't deny it! :D No tonight really is my last night in Minnesnowta but Im comin back Sunday night. I think you know why but if not it's for my aunts funeral. It is going to be a very depressing weekend/Thurseday/Friday/Monday. I think the worst part, is going to see Zane crying and Skyler as well... Well all my family really!
High: I'm getting fancy! My mom has one of those big fancy nancy camera for her photography business (which you should check out! I put the link on the bottom of the post). Well... She's buying her friend Nealy's camera because Nealy's buying a different one. Guess what my mom is doing with her old one. SELLING IT! But! Guess who'd buying it! ME!! For sure by Monday I will be an owner of a Rebel XS! How exciting is that!! You will defiantly be seeing more photos of mine! I'm guessing alot of London :) Sees so photogenic! And I'm sure I'll figure out a way to take pictures of myself! Haha
Right now I'm sitting in the waiting room of a doctors office (mom isn't feeling good). This place grosses me out beyond words! Coughing people everywhere!! Blah... But there's a cute baby sitting in front of me :) I love babies!! Well I'm going to go back to covering my mouth so I don't catch anything!
Love ya,
Love ya,
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Keyword: Happy
WARNING: The following content has opinion of Sydney. If you do not like others opinions, click off now.
I was just checkin up on the ol' blog when I saw how sad and depressing SLTDQ has been lately! Well I am going to write a happy post! I went to google and typed in the search area 'happy'. You know what the very first suggestion was? Happy meal. *dramatic pause* Do you know how sad that makes me? McDonalds has taken over the world! Not even happy face could come in first! I started crying! (Okay, not really but I had to add something way over the top there)!
Well MY opinion towards McDonalds is this: barf! Yep, that sums it up really. I learned in English that you have to add three supporting details in every paragraph so here are my three supporting details:
1.) McDonalds chicken is dark meat DYED white! True fact. McD's dyes there chicken so that the human eye looks at it as appealing! So right there you got dyed chicken. Then they fry it or whatever...
2.) Is there any healthy choices on there menu? Let's check....hmmm...nope that's not healthy...not that either...uh, we have salad. Okay one out of one hundred choices is healthy! EXCUUUSE ME!
3.) Fatty, fat, fat, fat, fat! It is pretty much known for there chicken nuggets so okay past the fact they dye there food, is it healthy? Now I'm trying to get into this healthy stay fit stage and mcdonalds is not a good place to keep up with that! Okay for example:
A small child orders JUST this!
Chicken McNugget (4pc)
Small French Fries
1% low fat white milk jug
Okay... This is what it comes out too:
Calories- 520
Fat- 25g
Sat. Fat- 5g
Cholesterol- 36mg
Sodium- 690mg
Carbs- 52g
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! There's more stuff to but just look at that! That child is having 520 calories for just one meal! Uh... Okay so maybe this hasn't been the most positive, happy post ever but it doesn't talk about funerals (unless the kid gets fat and dies from high cholesterol) haha
Sleep tight my little buddies!
Nutrient info from here-
Repeating and repeating and repeating
I packed today for our five days in North Dakota. I packed two of the same outfits I wore for my grandma's funeral. I packed everything needed. Didn't I just unpack all of this?! I have been having a very rough time understanding this all and sadly I have to admit, I have even yelled at God a few times. I just don't understand why I have to go to yet another funeral in less than three months. I don't understand why Zane must suffer because this stupid thing called Cancer, took his mother from him! I don't understand why Skyler has to be a father with no wife to talk to after Zane is asleep. I just don't understand. I ask for lots of prayer! It has been very tough for me to watch my immediate family suffer! My dad is strong and hasn't cried in front of me but I know he is suffering inside! Why must Shelia suffer, her mother-in-law just passed and now her sister-in-law!
We were just going threw some pictures on all the laptops, phones, and desktops because they are going to make a slideshow and want all the pictures possible. My dad scrolled across this one when Zane was, I'm guessing like one? And he is sitting in Mona's lap and she's looking at him just smiling! Those are times when I lash at God! Why must you take Mona from Zane! What did he do to suffer this! Then I remember, he didn't do anything. This is just a another frustrating part of life. I get very emotional at funerals like I'm happy she's in a better place, but get angry that us people on Earth suffer. Do you get that way?
I will try to post threw out the time but I'm not sure if I will... Maybe I'll like journal and then when I get home, I'll post all my journal stuff! That might work the best...
Love ya guys!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Change of Plans
Wednesday after school the three of us will leaving. The prayer service will be Thursday and the funeral Friday. Saturday will be the 'recovery' day and just hang out with Skyler, Zane and the rest of the family. Sunday we will be coming back. It will be a very quick trip.
I have to go to school Monday and Tuesday which we were suppose to be in North Dakota then. My teachers will be like, I thought you were suppose to gone! Haha now I have to dissect a cow eyeball on Tuesday! I'm going to like barf!! Ew...! Okay I can't talk about it anymore... So, how are you? Any fun plans this week or weekend?
Thanks for readin!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
My night, bad news and a prayer request
So tonight I went out to dinner with bills family at Osaka which is a Japanese restraunt. I don't like that kinda food so I got chicken :)
Bad news: after the good dinner and we parted our ways I got a txt from my dad saying "call me when you get home" okay....? Well when we were saying byes I had saw my mom was txting my dad. Now I'm not super smart but I figured that my dad had txt mom, she didnt talk to me about anything and dad wanted me to call him, something was up. So after a couple 2 minutes of processing this threw my brain I knew what was going on. I jumped on my phone and called my dad. He stalled for a little bit talking about my church event tomorrow night. I could hear him sniffing almost the entire talk. Then he cracked it... " well, I txt your mom this so she knows but ah... Mona (aunt) died today. *pause and I started bawling*. Now if you know me you know my 2011 hasn't started the best. My grandma just recently died, my uncle was in a horrible accent and now my aunt died of cancer. I will still be attending my event (for my church buddies) and if you see be PLEASE make a joke or something. I don't mind talking about it but don't keep going on and on and on about it! We will be leaving Saturday something and depending when the funeral is will come back by Wednesday.
Prayer request: I really need prayers now! I am not trying to sound selfish but I'm very stressed and stuff. I would also like to ask for prayers for my uncle Skyler (monas husband) and Zane, monas five year old son. When I was talking to my dad and he had finally broke the news I asked how they were doing. Skyler is well it was his wife... Zane is at the age where he understands that mom died. How heartbreaking is that! Dad said that on the way to go see mona one last time, skyler told Zane that he needed to say goodbye to mom! WHAT FIVE YEAR OLD SHOULD HAVE TO SAY GOODBYE TO THERE MOM!!! ugh... Also just my family in general. Plus mona's family would be great!
Thank you very much!