Saturday, July 30, 2011
Dirty day
We drove to our destination and I was so excited! I love watching other people play sports! That makes me sound lazy... But I do! Some of my favorite sports to watch are hockey, baseball/softball, and football!! Back to my story. So we got there and we watched a game, they won. Watched the next game, which was fantastic, and they lost.. Now they were playing there last game ever, or at least the season, and it was so tense. If we won, they would get a trophy! But... they... WON! And everyone went crazy...! Then I said to London in a joking matter "Hey Lon, we should go over to the opening and when the guys come out give them high fives!" Well she took it seriously and ran over to where the team would exit after praying. I actually kinda liked it! haha The guys high fived us, me more than London because most of them didn't even see her standing there. We went, got the trophy, took a picture (which I would love to share with you but it is unfortunately not on my camera), and left! I had a great time!
Once we got home and then headed almost right away to pick up my mom. I was so happy to see her. Once we got her in the car and headed home... Ordered pizza and hung out inside for the night! Over all my day was dirty but fun! Now I am off to the shower because I'm guessing the folks at church would greatly appreciate it!
How was your day? Anything exciting happen?
Friday, July 29, 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011
Good good night
My babysitting client got caught in horrible traffic so my job got delayed. Once she FINALLY got here, one of her daughters almost threw up in my driveway (car sick)!! She didn't but she was like green all the way home!! I felt so bad for her :( We got home and the kids were super hungry and Amanda (the mom) was going to be late for her event so she grabbed some food and ran upstairs to get ready... I got the kids some food and everyone was happy!(: To be quite honest, I thought it was going to be a looooooong night!
So like I said, we got food and the kids were happy! The oldest was at her cousins house for the night seeping over so I only had the three younger ones. After eating we went outside because C wanted to swim in the babies pool! She's so silly!! We went out and she swam. Then B wanted baby A to go swimming, why not! So I got a swim diaper and let him go! (I saw the neighbor guy looking at me too. This story will continue threw out the post).
Eventually B wanted to go into the pool to but it was A's bedtime so she came and got dressed while I put A ni-nigh! B and C were already in the pool by the time I got back outside! C got a 16th of an inch cut on one of your little toes and was SCREAMING at the top of her lungs (so the neighbors probably thought I was killing her)! I got her a band aid which she put in the arch of her foot (one of those cute things kids do) and was fine. He was just kinda watching us and I was kinda getting creeped out but also thought it was awesome that a guy was looking at me and not in a way that he wanted to kill me or throw ice cold water on me. C then asked to go to sleep and what babysitter or parent is going to tell a child they cant go to sleep! That's just mean... And it was almost her bedtime so by the time she got her cup of water, brushed her teeth, got her pj's on, found her blanky, and got in bed, it would be her bedtime!
Afterwards I came outside and B was hanging in the pool. I then had an AMAZING idea! Wanna know what it is?!?!?! Hu? HU? Okay stop... Ill tell you! I took the baby pool and brought it up to the grass ( it was on the sidewalk towards the bottom of the driveway) and got two chairs set opposite sides of each other. Then got the baby blocks and ice cubes, inserted them into the pool. Got two towels. Set them next to the chairs, and called it Spa! Good idea hu?! haha The ice cubes were the rock pebble thing and the blocks were the nice, calming smells! (another dork moment). B came over and thought it was one of the best things in the world, if not the best!(: Still staring and smiling. I sneaked a couple looks to see what he was doing. The water was soooooooo cold so we filled up two Tupperware containers and two drinking cups with hot water then dumped them into the pool to hopefully make it nice and warm. It was now bedtime but I let her stay up and plus, mom wanted to have some snuggle time with her daughter!(:
I got her to put her jammies on and got her a snack. She was still SO energetic so she came outside with me to clean up our toys mess. He was inside, dang it! I got all the blocks, which if put in the correct order make a puzzle, and gave it to her to do while I got everything else inside. She finished it, I got all the stuff where it belonged, and just sat down. Then guess who turns the corner, Amanda!! haha So then we went inside and waited for Bill (my step dad) to come pick me up sense Andy (Amanda's hubby) was out of town. It was such a fun night with hanging with 3 of my absolute favorite kids, a cute boy looking at me, everyone in a good mood, and a spa night with my girl, B!
What was your nights events?
Did you notice I posted twice in one day?
Do you know that the reason I'm blogging so much is because I am missing my sister?
Did you know that I am super exhausted so I'm going to sleep soon?
Did you know I am running out of questions but I wanted to write 5 questions?
A day for celebrations

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
What did you do today?
Monday, July 25, 2011
What is up with this?!

Friday, July 22, 2011
Quick check up
What's your favorite kid movie?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Just one of the most rememberable
Whats your favorite thing about bonfires s'mores or chatting with friends/family?
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
What's your answer?

I have no idea!! Computer?? But then I couldn't edit pics!! But I can't even think about not having music! How about you??
Sorry this is kinda a dumb post!:/
Monday, July 18, 2011
Being busy and new news!
If you guys read my comments I'm sure you already know but I will tell you anyway...:) Miss.ALK commented with a comment I never thought I would get! She wanted to interview me! YAY! So I just send that over to her and it will come out some time in Augest! I'll link it up when it happens! THANK YOU!
New news: The new news is that we have 13 followers now! How wonderful is that! I thank each and every one of you for taking the time to follow me! I am hoping that will this guest posting and interview it will get that number even higher but until then, I am content with two new followers! Thank you Jessica and Miss.ALK for joining!
What is your favorite thing to write about?
Thanks for reading!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Floor Plans

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
This whole online school/ regular school subject has turned good! The stress has gone down lots and life is good!(: I just got done with babysitting two little cuties for a few hours (thanks Jenny)! It was super fun! Every summer I track all the money I make then at the end I get to see a number that makes me proud! Last summer I made $824 which is a TON of money!! I know I will not make that much because of the economy and that is completely okay! Babysitting for me is not about the cash! It's about hangin out with cute kids and feeling like a parent.:) haha
What is your favorite activity to do while babysitting?
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
The W word
Thanks for reading!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
What do you look for?
Thanks girls!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
About Me
Here are some random questions and answers about me!
1. Real name:Sydney
2. Nickname: Syd
3. Zodiac Sign: Not to sure what that is
4. Male or female: Female
7. College: undecided
9. tall or short: tall
11. Sweats or Jeans:Jeans... Unless Im just hangin with myself.
12. Phone or Camera: Uh... Camera?
13. Health freak: are you kidding me? Bahahahhahahahaha
14. Orange or Apple: Apple
15. Do you have a crush on someone? yes
16. Eat or Drink: both
17. Piercings: Ears
18. Pepsi or Coke: Coke
19. Been in an airplane: yes
20. Been in a relationship: no
21. Been in a car accident: no
22. Been in a fist fight: Just playing with London... But nothing serious! Haha
23. First piercing: ears
24. First best friend: First best friend? No idea...
25. First award:dance award
26. First crush: How about I dont say...
27. First word: Dada
29. Last person you hugged: Laney Olson (I just got done babysitting)
30. Last person you texted: Morgan Schmaltz (my cousin)
31. Last person you watched a movie with: I honestly do not remember the last time I watched a movie...
32. Last food you ate: Hot Dog
33. Last movie you watched: read number 31
34. Last song you listened to: Never Alone by Barlowgirl <3 <3 <3
35. Last thing you bought: gum!(:
36. Last person you hugged: didnt i already answer this? :)
37. Food: Ice Cream, Brownies, Hamburgers, canned cranberries, most hotdishes... haha!
38. Drinks: Diet Mountain Dew, Lemonade
39. Bottoms: Shorts
40. Flower: Rose <3
41. Animal: Uh... None? haha I think Cheetahs are pretty??
42. Colors: Pink, light blue
43. Movies: Ferris Buellers Day Off (thanks to Kiley), Cheaper by the Dozen, Devil Wars Prada, Wild Hogs, Baby Mama, Facing the Giants, and Parent Trap(s).
44. Subjects: In school? English
(Put an X in the brackets if yes)
45. [x] in love with someone.
46. [x] celebrated Halloween.
47. [x] had your heart broken...
48. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
49. [] had someone question my sexual orientation.
51. [] got pregnant.
52. [] had an abortion.
53. [] did something I regret.
54. [x] broke a promise.
55. [x] hid a secret.
56. [x] pretended to be happy.
57. [x] met someone who changed your life.
58. [x] pretended to be sick.
59. [] left the country.
60. [] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
61. [x] cried over the silliest thing.
62. [x] ran a mile.
63. [x] went to the beach with your best friend.
64. [x] got into an argument with your friends
65. [] hated someone.
66. [x] stayed single for 2 years.
67. Eating: The rest of my hot dog (just finishing lunch)
68. Drinking: Nothing
69. Listening: Some TV show London and Jacob are watching, We Are Kings or something like that...
70. Sitting/Laying: Kinda both haha. On the couch, relaxed
71. Plans for today: Babysat this morning. Nothing the rest of the day (surprisingly)
72. Waiting: For lots of things to happen
73. Want kids? ABSOLUTLY
74. Want to get married? Well if Im going to have kids... duh!
75. Career: Interior Designer
76. Lips or eyes: Eyes (especially blue!)
77. Shorter or taller: Taller
78. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic
79. Nice stomach or nice arms?: Hmm... Stomach?
81. Hook-up or relationship?: Relationship
82. Looks or personality?: Personality, but looks are nice!(:
83. Lost glasses/contacts: No
4. Snuck out of a house: No
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: No
86. Killed somebody: NO
87. Broken someone's heart: I hope not!
88. Been in love: YES!
89. Cried when someone died: Everytime...!
90. Yourself: Somtimes
91. Miracles: Yes!
92. Love at first sight: Yes
93. Heaven: YES!
94. Santa Clause: Um... Well if your under the age of 10 reading this than, YES! If your older, no! haha
95. Sex on the first date: Excuse me?!
96. Kiss on the first date: No
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Mhmmmm! <3 <3 <3
98. Do you know who your real friends are?: Ya
99. Do you believe in God? MHMMMMMM
*If you look at the numbers, there are some missing. Gotta keep it rated PG-13 here! haha*
Have a good day!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
My Favorite Things: Hair
Monday, July 4, 2011

Id like to thank you Ali! This means SO much to me!
What are your fourth of July plans?
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Are you busy? So am I. Today's sermon (like many many others) really got me... Life is much like a battle. We are completely surrounded and totally outnumbered! By what, you may ask... Options!
Do you feel like you are doing something 24/7? You have babysitting/nannying Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Golf Tuesday. Basketball Thursday. Travel for basketball on weekends... Obviously fill in your activities and hobbies...
What do YOU do about it? Do you, just go with the flow and breath when you can get your head above water? Do you get depressed from the stress and possibly anxiety? Do you just pray bed time comes faster everyday? I have a better solution..!
1. Ask God for help.
- He is just WAITING for you to ask! He knows what you feel! What you think! He just sits there, wondering when you will stop and turn to Him.
2. Understand your purpose.
- What is your purpose here on Earth? Is it to help the disabled? Is it to teach the next generation? Is it to capture peoples special moments in life?
3. Chart a new course.
- If you are just overwhelmed, you need to stop! Now! Just freeze the outside world! YOU, just you, need to start your REAL life.
1. Admit it!
- admit it!! Tell your friends! Tell your family! I'll admit it right now! I, especially during the school year, just get frazzled and busy and overwhelmed! I'll admit it on the world wide web! My life is crazy! Between switching from my moms to dads house during the week. My babysitting business is taking off! Trying to spend time with my family at the pool or golfing! Finding ME time...!
2. Stop it!
- doesn't get any more simple than that. Stop! S-t-o-p. Are you really doing what God had in mind? Pastor Pete gave a great example today... He said something in the world of this:
I have this vision that when it comes the day of my funeral and my kids are asked to speak about there dad this is what they will say, "Well he was a busy man! He attended many meetings. Talked to many people..."
How sad would that be if you were so busy that at your funeral all your kids could say was "Oh she was a busy woman. Always out somewhere doing something!" That would be so sad!
So your homework for the week is to make a list. Write down everything you do! Babysit, clean houses, mow the lawn, grocery shop, go to the mall... Everything!! Then write down how important they are. Number them! Find the last three lest important things. Drop them. Cross them out! Do whatever you need to do! Let them go! Make a hole in your paper! Don't do those things for just this week! See how less busy you are! I bet it will help... Let me know your outcome. If your list is crazy, I have a new word for you! Wanna know what it is?? No. Start telling people, no! No no no no no! I wish you luck and let me know how this works for ya!!
Have fun! Don't blow yourself up tomorrow!
Special number: Come Away