Are you busy? So am I. Today's sermon (like many many others) really got me... Life is much like a battle. We are completely surrounded and totally outnumbered! By what, you may ask... Options!
Do you feel like you are doing something 24/7? You have babysitting/nannying Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Golf Tuesday. Basketball Thursday. Travel for basketball on weekends... Obviously fill in your activities and hobbies...
What do YOU do about it? Do you, just go with the flow and breath when you can get your head above water? Do you get depressed from the stress and possibly anxiety? Do you just pray bed time comes faster everyday? I have a better solution..!
1. Ask God for help.
- He is just WAITING for you to ask! He knows what you feel! What you think! He just sits there, wondering when you will stop and turn to Him.
2. Understand your purpose.
- What is your purpose here on Earth? Is it to help the disabled? Is it to teach the next generation? Is it to capture peoples special moments in life?
3. Chart a new course.
- If you are just overwhelmed, you need to stop! Now! Just freeze the outside world! YOU, just you, need to start your REAL life.
1. Admit it!
- admit it!! Tell your friends! Tell your family! I'll admit it right now! I, especially during the school year, just get frazzled and busy and overwhelmed! I'll admit it on the world wide web! My life is crazy! Between switching from my moms to dads house during the week. My babysitting business is taking off! Trying to spend time with my family at the pool or golfing! Finding ME time...!
2. Stop it!
- doesn't get any more simple than that. Stop! S-t-o-p. Are you really doing what God had in mind? Pastor Pete gave a great example today... He said something in the world of this:
I have this vision that when it comes the day of my funeral and my kids are asked to speak about there dad this is what they will say, "Well he was a busy man! He attended many meetings. Talked to many people..."
How sad would that be if you were so busy that at your funeral all your kids could say was "Oh she was a busy woman. Always out somewhere doing something!" That would be so sad!
So your homework for the week is to make a list. Write down everything you do! Babysit, clean houses, mow the lawn, grocery shop, go to the mall... Everything!! Then write down how important they are. Number them! Find the last three lest important things. Drop them. Cross them out! Do whatever you need to do! Let them go! Make a hole in your paper! Don't do those things for just this week! See how less busy you are! I bet it will help... Let me know your outcome. If your list is crazy, I have a new word for you! Wanna know what it is?? No. Start telling people, no! No no no no no! I wish you luck and let me know how this works for ya!!
Have fun! Don't blow yourself up tomorrow!
Special number: Come Away
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